The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation is a philanthropy founded to help transform lives and communities by uniting people across differences to find common cause. Started in 1995 by Arthur M. Blank, co-founder of The Home Depot, the foundation has granted more than $1 billion to charitable causes. Our collective giving areas are Atlanta’s Westside, Democracy, Environment, Mental Health and Well-Being, and Youth Development. Across these areas, we take on tough challenges by uniting the courage and compassion of our communities so we can all thrive together.

In addition to these areas of giving, the foundation maintains a significant portfolio of founder-led giving based on the chairman’s personal interests and will continue its enduring commitment to the issues and relationships he cares deeply about, including the support of Atlanta and Montana nonprofit institutions, veterans and the military, and stuttering, among others. The foundation also leads giving areas for each of the for-profit businesses in Blank’s portfolio, including a unique associate-led giving program, serving as an example of how philanthropy and business can combine for social good.